4. Januar 2023

(AI Mojo test post) The anterolateral approach to the proximal tibia according to AO Surgery Reference

The anterolateral approach to the proximal tibia according to AO Surgery Reference is a surgical approach that involves making an incision along the anterior and lateral surfaces of the proximal tibia. The approach is used to gain access to the proximal tibia for the purpose of repairing fractures, performing arthroplasty, or performing other procedures. The approach is performed by first making an incision along the anterolateral aspect of the proximal tibia and then reflecting the skin and subcutaneous tissue over the tibia. The fascia overlying the tibia is then incised, exposing the underlying muscle and periosteum. The muscle and periosteum are then dissected and reflected, exposing the underlying bone. Depending on the procedure being performed, additional steps may be taken to gain access to the underlying structures.